Yesterday Cory came downstairs in the kitchen and in a very concerned voice stated to Dennis "Dad, I've got diabetes." Dennis asked him, "Why do you think that Cory?" Cory replied,
"There was corn in my poop this morning." Of course, Dennis and I busted up over this declaration and especially at trying to imagine Cory examining his own specimen with horror.
Both Den's mom and my dad have adult onset diabetes (as well as heart problems, which also affect Den's dad--he had a terrifying heart attack a couple of years ago) and I am paranoid of the hereditary factor. My kids constantly hear how I want our family to eat well so we can avoid the disease as much as possible. And I do believe most cases of Type II diabetes can be preventable by making wise healthy choices in eating and lifestyle. Everyone calls me the "Food Nazi" because I am so concerned with the food we eat. I can see my habits are having a positive affect on my children (and on Den! He drinks skim milk, skips fries (most of the time) and never salts anything anymore. This is quite a fete for a man whose family's middle name is Sour Cream!)
I must say I love when Holly comes home from school and disgustedly tells me, "Mom, all they had today for lunch was deep fried!" I am also proud of her for choosing skim milk Tuesday through Friday and drinking chocolate milk only on Mondays (at my insistence, of course. I still feel one day a week is even too much, but I can't be a total meany when most of the kids drink chocolate milk every day. I know she honorably sticks to the rule, even though I am not there with my Swastika.) I am pretty astonished with how unhealthy the lunches are at our school. Vegetables or fresh fruit are rarely served and most of the meals are deep fried. I try to send a lunch to school with Holly, but most mornings are so chaotic that it just doesn't happen. I'm really wanting to go speak to the principal about making a change. I am not happy. In this day and age the lunches at school should be as wholesome and nutritious as ever.
Thankfully, I can report: Cory does not have diabetes. You can be certain--not too long ago this Nazi had him tested.