Friday, August 8, 2008

We went to Canyon Glen on Monday in Provo Canyon with the Lindsay family and with my mom and dad for Family Home Evening. We had a yummy barbeque with hamburgers and hot dogs. Dennis was the master barbequer and did a terrific job in spite of my forgetting the spatula. He made do with the marshmallow roasting spears. I gave the lesson on reverence--something we are trying to work on in our home. We played "Happy Church, Sad Church" and acted out behaviors belonging under each title. I helped eveyone with their action with the exception of Cory who chose to act out smoking. We all got a good chuckle. It was a beautiful and fun night. We haven't done that in a while. The kids love being with their cousins.

Holly Girl

Lindsey couldn't get enough of the marshmallows!

Grandpa and Grandma

Lighting the fire. Before we were able to roast marshmallows the park ranger asked us to put it out because of high fire season. Bummer!

Mommy and Lindsey

I'm giving a lesson on reverence.

Jolie loved being in the open air.

Cory and McKay enjoyed being in the dirt and were fascinated by the fire.

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