Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jo Jo' 16 month check up

Last week Jolie had a well baby check up. She is healthy and progressing well. It is so sad for me to see my baby growing. This has truly been the fastest year of my life.

Weight 19.86 lbs (6 %tile)

Height 30.25 inches (32 %tile)

She is tiny.

She also had to get two shots-not fun. She only cried for a second, though.
Jolie is at a very fun stage right now. She communicates what she wants very well.
She says quite a few words now:

Hawyee (Holly)
Co ee (Cory)
ba ba
sssss (shoe)
Be (when she wants to turn on the light switch. Not sure where this came from)
na na (banana)
grow (gross--when I change her diaper)
ewwww (" ")
chee (chesse)
uh oh

When something is hot she will blow (fire, stovetop, etc.). The other day I put her in the bathtub and it was a little too warm for her. I took her out and she stood on the side and started blowing into the tub.

A couple of days ago I had a bag of flour sitting open on the kitchen floor (mistake!). She dipped her hand into it and of course, got flour all over the floor. I said "Uh oh". She went over to the garbage cupboard and pulled out a tissue and began to wipe it up. It was adorable.

Jolie also got the box of dishwashing soap and took it over to the open dishwasher to try and fill the cup. I let her close the cap after we fill it and she loves it. She also loves to help me empty the dishwasher--clean or dirty. She loves to throw the silverware and plates on the floor.

She is such a sweet baby. We all adore her. The kids all love to play with her. Every morning Cory goes into her room to get her up (He will wake her intentionally if she is asleep. Drives me nuts!) Holly is such a good helper. She will bathe her every Sunday for me.

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